War Surgery. We are pleased to say that the excellent book, War Surgery Field Manual, which we announced in Newsletter #32, is available to non-profit Third World groups at reduced prices. Contact Third World Network. 228 Macalister Road, 10400 Penang, Malaysia.

Newsletters from the Sierra Madre have been recorded for the blind. Each of our last four newsletters (including this one, to be available soon) are available from HealthWrights on voice-recorded cassette tapes for use by blind persons, thanks to Action on Disability and Development (ADD). HELP NEEDED: For important recording services for the blind, ADD needs a new tape copier. If you can help in cash or kind, contact Sheila Salmon, ADD, 23 Lower Keyford, Frome, Somerset, BA11 4AP, UK. Fax. (01373) 452075.

Health for All: The South Australian Experience, edited by Fran Baum, is an excellent spectrum of writings on attempts to apply the international strategies of Primary Health Care and “Health for All” in Australia (which has its own Third World). Essential for all concerned with health policy, worldwide! (Francis Baum is active in the International People’s Health Council and taught in the Cape Town Summer School courses mentioned in the lead article.) Published 1995 by Wakefield Press, Box 2266, Kent Town, South Australia 5071.

Volver a Vivir; Return to Life by Suzanne Levine. Chardon Press, PO Box 11607, Berkeley CA 94721. US $18.00 including shipping. Discounts for bulk orders.

Suzanne, a young photographer who has a learning disability, has lovingly assembled a splendid series of photos of PROJIMO (Program of Rehabilitation Organized by Disabled Mexican Youth), mostly in color. In this sensitive artistic booklet, disabled leaders and workers at PROJIMO speak from their hearts of their own experiences and work. They celebrate their discovery that they can live full, happy, productive lives after becoming substantially disabled. Through this warmly human view of PROJIMO, the author provides insight into the budding Third World Independent Living Movement as it merges with Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) in an empowering way. Highly recommended!