Over the last 15 years the team of disabled crafters in the village workshop in PROJIMO Duranguito, Sinaloa, Mexico, has been making individualized wheelchairs for disabled children—designing each chair both to the child’s combination of needs and to his or her local environment.

Stichting Liliane Fonds has now pulled out of Mexico.

Thanks to generous support from Stichting Liliane Fonds, a charitable foundation in Holland, the village team was able to provide these wheelchairs and other assistive equipment to disadvantaged children free or for a small fraction of the costs. And this individualized approach has spread to other programs and countries. The chairs cost from around US$250 to $350 each.

Unfortunately, however, Stichting Liliane Fonds has now pulled out of Mexico. This not only makes it more difficult to provide specially-adapted wheelchairs to the many children who need them, but also the jeopardizes the self-reliance of the disabled craftspersons who make the chairs.

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