Until my return to Mexico in the latter part of September, I shall show slides on my project in the Sierra Madre and be available to speak to interested groups with the hope of encouraging further support for the continuance of my project.

I am, as ever, before my return to the villages, collecting needed items to take down; notable clothing, blankets, school supplies, children’s books in Spanish, medical supplies, powdered milk, funds, etc.

I would also like to solicit the help of a typist (or even a hunt-and-peckist with copious time and patience) to prepare stencils of a résumé of my Mexican project. These will be made available to those who have not had the advantage of the Reports, which long since ran out. Also, should anyone by some miracle have the equipment and time to rerun on a mimeo the stencils of my Reports from the Sierra Madre, it would be a tremendous help. I have many requests I have been unable to fill.