For the last four years Project Piaxtla has had two medical dispensaries One in the larger village of Ajoya, and the other some thirty miles of burro trail further into the Sierra Madre. Until a year ago, however, it was impossible for the two dispensaries to function at once, for apart from occasional visits by United States doctors. I was the only person tending the dispensaries. For most of this year, however, the dispensary in Ajoya has been manned independently by dedicated volunteers.

Last winter Robert Steiner, his wife, Dorothy, and their 16 year old son, Bobby, came to Ajoya for several months. Mr. Steiner had worked with LAMP, a medical aid program centered in Mexicali, before joining Project Piaxtla. In order to improve our methods of diagnosis, he apprenticed at the Stanford Medical Center in diverse lab techniques before coming to Ajoya. The Steiners, working as a team, have done a remarkable job in the dispensary. Their great care, and deep concern, coupled with quiet friendliness and endless patience, have won the confidence and love of many of the villagers. Their presence has made a great difference in the lives of the villagers.

During the six months while the Steiners were in the States, the dispensary in Ajoya was taken over by Joe Humphry, a third year medical student in San Francisco. Joe worked seriously and selflessly. He often traveled miles on foot or mule back in the difficult rainy season to serve patients in outlying villages. Joe has a deep sense of human justice, is a careful worker, and will make a dedicated doctor.

This Fall the Steiners have returned to Ajoya, and intend to stay through Spring. In Ajoya the patient load is enormous, the work endless. I am tremendously grateful to the Steiners for relieving me.