In June we opened a third clinic in the village of Chilár, half way between the other two. Allison Akana –a former student of mine who has spent more than a year with us and has become a very proficient medic– is in charge. She hopes to train young villagers in first aid and basic clinical techniques.

The new clinic is on the far side of an arroyo from the main village. Last March, I took to the Sierra Madre with a group of six high school students from the Athenian School in Danville, California. They helped make a suspension bridge across the arroyo. Now it can be safely passed when the stream is dangerously flooded in the rainy season.

I have just received a letter from one of the girls who came down with the Athenian School group last spring. She writes that she has decided to go into pre-medicine, with the goal of becoming a doctor, as a result of her experience with us in México. She finishes her letter; “…so I’ll be seeing you down there in about nine years.” I can’t say how good this makes me feel. For six years I have taken high school students for a month at a time to México to participate in our project. Atleast four of these students have decided to go into medical fields as direct result of their experience with us, and hope in time to come back to help us.