Peace Returns to the Village of Ajoya: PROJIMO Work Program Takes Partial Credit

Nearly a year has now gone by without a major incidence of violence in Ajoya, the village where PROJIMO is based. There have been no recent killings, kidnappings, or assaults on buses, and the incidence of robberies has dropped considerably.

No doubt there are many explanations for this welcome return to peace. One reason may be PROJIMO’s new Work Program, which is providing skills training and income-earning opportunities for disabled and jobless youth. Apart from the persons employed on a regular basis, others earn money by bringing timbers salvaged from the river bed, which are used for making furniture and coffins. So more people have income from social-[work.]

PROJIMO Rehabilitation Program Builds a New Center in Coyotitan

For over 2 years the PROJIMO Rehabilitation team has been making preparations to move to Coyotitan, a village far less remote and more accessible to people living on the coastal plains. But the move has gone slowly due to limited funding.

At last, however, the team has completed construction of new workshops for building wheelchairs, and for making limbs and braces. The town government has provided free installation of electricity and water mains. Although the team members still do not have their own houses, they plan to rent provisional living quarters and move to Coyotitan after their children finish school this summer. (Already they go to Coyotitan on weekends for consultations and other services.)

As globalization of the market economy widens the gap between rich and poor, the health of the planet and its people is compromised. HealthWrights is joining forces with several international groups working toward a model of sustainable development that puts the well-being of all before the economic growth of the already wealthy. These groups include:

  • International People’s Health Council

  • International Forum on Globalization

  • People’s Health Assembly (see page 10)

  • Third World Network

  • WHO’s world wide web “Supercourse” on “Health, Environment, and Sustainable Development”

HELP NEEDED! These networking activities in quest for fairer, more sustainable social structures require lots of work. Fortunately we now have a couple of new volunteers. But we opperate on a shoestring budget. We need more help, both finacial and vounteer.

Toy-Making Interchange at PROJIMO

In March, 1999, PROJIMO was visited by Nachiko Takagi, a young speech therapist from Japan who also specializes in educational toys. At the same time we were visited by Jim Clouse and Chico from the toy-making shop of Piña Palmera, a community rehab. program in Oaxaca. Toy makers from PROJIMO, Oaxaca, and Japan shared designs, work methods, and marketing practices.

It was a stimulating occasion, with lots of involvement of disabled persons and of local children, scores of whom fell in love with Nachiko. PROJIMO is determined to make its toy-making cooperative, which provides skills training and work for disabled youth and village kids, economically self-reliant.

How You Can Help

HealthWrights (in USA) Needs

Volunteers to help with:

  • administrative assistance

  • secretarial work and bookkeeping

  • preparation of books, newsletters

  • computer skills, troubleshooting

  • website and library maintenance

  • translations into Spanish

  • book invoicing, distribution

  • marketing of books, toys, crafts, greeting cards, bird prints, etc.

  • fund-raising, grant writing

  • networking and research

Donations (tax deductible) of funds and needed equipment.


PROJIMO (in Mexico) Needs

  • Short term volunteers in different fields of disability-related work, furniture. and toy making, wheelchair building,

  • Volunteers to drive supplies to Mexico.

  • Students to enroll in individualized intensive Spanish course taught by disabled youth. Low cost (see flyer).

  • Help promote the Spanish course.

  • Help marketing toys, crafts, and cards.

  • Tools and supplies for carpentry, welding, brace and limb-making.

  • Donations (tax deductable) to improve the Work Program, and to finish the new village rehab center in Coyotitan.

HealthWrights and PROJIMO, through our enabling programs, workshops, books, and networking, have influenced community-based rehabilitation and healthcare worldwide. Please help us sustain our groundbreaking work. To make a donation, you can use the enclosed yellow form. If you are able to volunteer, or if you have tools, equipment or supplies to contribute, contact us by mail, phone, fax or E-mail for details and to discuss possiblitites . . . Many thanks!